Rego Info

Registrations Open May 1st 10am

Download – KAN Fine Print

Base Registration – $129

Must be purchased to gain venue access, classes and trading.  This fee is to cover the venue hire, marketing and wages for KAN – fixed ticket numbers, so make sure you register early – This price has now increased to INCLUDE the Welcome Soiree at East Pier

Class Fee’s – $79 per 3 hour session  (materials fees may apply) 

Masterclass $389.00 (includes $129 base registration)

All sessions on Friday & Saturday are 3 hours long – some classes may have additional materials fee’s 

Trading Table Fri/Sat/Sun – $249

A single 2m x 1.5m space, table provided – Just 12 Trading tables – these will be allocated on an invitation basis initially with any remaining tables being opened up if available.  No Double spaces available 

Trading Table Sunday – $95 (no event registration required – just 6 tables available) 

Retreat Welcome Soiree  – INCLUDED in base registration.

Friday Night at East Pier (Drinks Own Care) 

The Soiree is a Welcome event on Friday whilst everyone is still feeling fresh. Now included in your base registration, it will be held at the conclusion of the Friday classes at East Pier

The Soiree is a great way for EVERYONE to gather in one place, meet, mingle and make plans.

Want to see what happened at KAN 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019

Visit the Photo feed or check out our hashtags on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter #knitaugustnights #knitaugustnights2015 #kan2015 #knitaugustnights2016 #kan2016 #knitaugustnights2017 #knitaugustnights2019 (click on these for the Instagram feeds)

You can now FOLLOW Knit August Nights on instagram: knitaugustnights

Join the KAN mailing list – sign up button on the homepage – just be sure you scroll to the bottom.

Make sure you LIKE our ‘Knit August Nights’ Facebook page or Ravelry Group for the latest chatter, updates and gossip!


Maree xx