
Thursday 9am – 5pm

  •  Masterclass All Day – 15 people only
  • Includes dinner

Thursday Evening 4pm -6pm

  • 6pm:  Lights Up knitting
  • 4pm – 6pm:  Earlybird Registration: East Pier

Friday Morning 9am – Noon

  • 8am: Registration opens
  • 9am – 12pm: Stream One classes commence
  • 10am: Trading hall opens for set up
  • 10am: Free Skeinz Shuttles start running

Friday Afternoon 12pm – 6pm

  • 12.30pm – 7.30pm: Exclusive retreat traders market, incl Soiree late night shopping.
  • 1.30pm – 4.30pm: Stream Two Workshops
  • 2pm: Last Skeinz Shuttle departs East Pier
  • 6pm – 7.30pm – KAN Welcome Soiree at East Pier

Please note the change in Stream Two classes and trading – this gives you shopping time before and after classes & some time to freshen up before the Soiree at 6pm

Saturday Morning 9am – 12.00 noon

  • 9.15am – 12pm: Design Spun Tour  & Skeinz Retail Shop visit – rotating shuttles running from East Pier to Skeinz & the mill
  • 9am – 12pm: Stream Three Workshops
  • Lunch: Free to choose – we have over a dozen cafes & restaurants in Ahuriri alone!

Saturday Afternoon 1.30pm – late

  • 1.30pm – 4.30pm: Stream Four Workshops
  • 12pm –  5.00pm: Knit & Knatter Main Traders hall
  • 6pm – 7.30pm: Yarn or the Bag? Game Show – Main Traders Hall East Pier

 Sunday Morning 9am – 12pm

  • 9am – 12pm: The Knitters Market – East Pier (open to the public)
  • 9am – 12pm: Espresso Knit – East Pier (a chance for one last knit, knatter, & shopping)